cover up tattoos tumblr
Posted on Monday, July 2, 2012
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cover up tattoos tumblr

In ancient Japan criminals were tattooed with rings on their arms, one for each crime committed, so the public would be able to identify them as lawbreakers. As a result, these individuals were looked down upon, treated like outcasts and couldn't integrate into mainstream society.
They could have used a good tattoo cover-up.
The fact is, for ages tattoos were used to identify unsavory characters. This practice may have stopped, but many people still consider tattoos to have negative connotations, and having a tattoo can effectively lock you out of making advancements in your workplace or everyday life. It isn't fair, but it is what it is. Old prejudices die hard.
On a personal level, let's not forget those tattoos of times past and happily forgotten. Imprinted memories of when you were a happy pothead, a cannabis leaf proudly displayed on your upper arm, partying hard in exotic places . . .
Today, you wince every time your kids see it.
How about the name of your ex-one-and-only inked on your buttock or thigh, surrounded by roses? Your tattoo may have been an honest expression of what you believed at that particular time of your life, such as having a love that would last forever, but beliefs change.
Unfortunately, tattoos don't.
It's hard to tell your children not to do drugs when you have a marijuana leaf on your arm. It's difficult to tell Harry you love him and only him, when Steve's name is tattooed under your bellybutton.
So, the sensible thing to do is get the tattoo removed. But how? There are so many procedures, most of them painful and expensive. The economic climate isn't the best right now and for most people, money is tight. How can you justify paying $250 - $850 per visit to have your tattoo surgically removed when times are so uncertain for you and your family? Most of us can't. But, there is another option.
Hide that tattoo under a natural looking cover. For that you use a specially formulated tattoo cover up such as "Tattoo Camo." Water-resistant, perspiration-proof and easy to match to your skin tone, it is a simple method of dealing with unwanted tattoos until you are in the position to have them removed.
Whether your tattoo is hindering you in getting a promotion, or negatively affecting the ones you truly care about, or just inappropriate for whom you are today, using Tattoo Camo to cover it up is the perfect temporary solution to a permanent problem.